How can I move/transfer a customer's registration to a different event?


If you're running multiple events at a time, you may find that sometimes an attendee will sign up for the wrong event.

Moving a registration from one event to another is easy! First, go to that attendee's Registration Details page, which will look something like this:

Next, click on the blue "Actions" button in the top right corner of the Registration Details page, and on drop-down list click the "Move to Different Event" option.

You'll then see a pop-up window appear asking you which event you'd like to move the registration to. Select the correct event, click the "Move" button, and you're done!

Last but not least, you may want to re-send the receipt (aka their confirmation email) to the attendee whose registration you moved, so that they also have the correct information on hand. If you move a registration to a different event and then re-send the confirmation email, the email will automatically be updated with that event's information (including the event name, time & place, location, etc.).

Click here to learn how to re-send the confirmation email.

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